About STFP

The Sustainable Tourism Foundation Pakistan (STFP) was formed in 2007 by a group of eminent professionals from tourism industry as well as environmentalists of Pakistan as a first non-profit organization in Pakistan which is dedicated to promote and facilitate the growth of sustainable and equitable tourism in Pakistan in close partnership with concerned stakeholders from the public, private and NGO sectors.
Over the last 15 years STFP has strived to promote sustainable and responsible tourism in Pakistan with the help of likeminded organizations, local NGOs and CBOs by building the capacity of marginalized communities in establishing tourism related micro and small enterprises.
STFP is also working very actively with government bodies and development institutions by providing them valuable inputs to develop policies and strategies for the promotion of sustainable tourism in various regions of Pakistan. The members of STFP’s core team have been instrumental in developing tourism policy for KP Province, Tourism Policy for GB Region, Religious and Heritage Tourism Strategy for Punjab Province, draft Tourism Policy for AJK and draft of first National Tourism Strategy for Pakistan.
STFP has also facilitated the exchange of knowledge, experiences and ideas on sustainable tourism, ecotourism, pro-poor tourism and responsible tourism among the stakeholders and local communities by organizing training workshops, capacity building programs, awareness seminars, focus group discussions and implementing pilot projects on community based ecotourism in Pakistan